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At the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout is tucked in by Atticus. Readers can see Scout has matured in many ways since the start of the novel. After Boo Radley protects them from the violent Bob Ewell, who wanted to kill them, Scout realizes that she and Jem have been just as prejudicial toward Boo as the townspeople were against black people.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus tucks Scout in bed at the end of the novel. He reads her a story and sits with her until she falls asleep.

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9y ago

It was Atticus who tucks her in at the end of the novel.

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No, Atticus Finch does not die at the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird." The novel ends with Atticus sitting by Scout's bed after she falls asleep, signifying the end of the story.

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I Was a Cub Scout ended in 2008.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout makes the most progression throughout the novel. She learns important lessons about empathy, racism, and standing up for what is right. Jem also shows growth, particularly in his understanding of discrimination and injustice, but Scout's development is more central to the story.

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The ISBN of The End - novel - is 00644101610.