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Lady Macbeth wanted Macbeth to kill (if forgot his name) and he did. But then he just started killing people.

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In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the idea that people should be killed originates primarily from Lady Macbeth. She is the one who convinces Macbeth to kill King Duncan in order to fulfill the witches' prophecy and secure his place as king.

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Q: Who started the idea that people should be killed in Macbeth?
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Who does Macbeth have to murder to keep one of the witches prophecies from coming true?

The wrong people. In order to thwart the prophecy about Banquo's children becoming kings, he has Banquo killed, but not his son Fleance. Fleance will go on to become the ancestor of kings. Macbeth killed the father when he should have killed the son. Then, in order to try to thwart the prophecy about Macduff, he has Macduff's son (and wife and other children) murdered. Macduff will go on to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth killed the son when he should have killed the father.

Who does Macbeth murder to keep one of the witches prophecies from coming true?

The wrong people. In order to thwart the prophecy about Banquo's children becoming kings, he has Banquo killed, but not his son Fleance. Fleance will go on to become the ancestor of kings. Macbeth killed the father when he should have killed the son. Then, in order to try to thwart the prophecy about Macduff, he has Macduff's son (and wife and other children) murdered. Macduff will go on to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth killed the son when he should have killed the father.

Was Macbeth a vassal of Duncan If not should Macbeth's act considered regicide?

Macbeth was not a vassal of King Duncan. Macbeth's act of killing King Duncan would be considered regicide because he unlawfully killed his king, who was his sovereign and ruler.

Who became king after Duncan was killed?

you really should read the play, Macbeth becomes king

In Macbeth who went in to wake duncan after Macbeth killed him?

Lady Macbeth goes to wake Duncan after Macbeth kills him. She does this to put on a show of concern and to redirect suspicion away from her husband.

What was Macduff's feelings towards Macbeth being king?

Macduff believes that Macbeth killed King Duncan and thus doesn't believe Macbeth should be king. This is evident in the fact that while Macbeth goes to Scone, Macduff finds Malcolm and convinces him to reclaim the throne.

Who discovers duncan has been murdered?

Duncan was the King of England, and was the lover of Macbeth. He was murdered, because in order for Macbeth to fulfill his plan and become king, Duncan would have to die. Duncan's fatal flaw was that he was too trusting. For example, he thought that none of his friends could really be enemies. If Duncan was more careful about his safety at Macbeth's castle, he may have had a chance to survive. But Duncan's flaw, wasn't something so horrible that he should die. Most people need to trust each other more, and just because one person did, he shouldn't have to die. Macbeth, possibly encouraged by the weakened position of Duncan, formed an alliance with their first cousin Thorfinn, earl of Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland under the King of Norway started a revolt. The rival armies met and Duncan was defeated and killed on August 1, 1040 near Elgin in Moray. There is some dispute as to the exact nature of Duncan's death, some texts say he died in battle and others say he was killed shortly after the battle by Macbeth.

Should people be killed for their religion?

No, never!

Who is the bloody baby in Macbeth?

The "bloody baby" in Macbeth is a supernatural apparition that Macbeth encounters during the play. It warns Macbeth to be wary of Macduff, stating that Macbeth should fear him. The bloody baby is one of the many supernatural elements in the play that contribute to its dark and eerie atmosphere.

Is Macbeth fully responsible for the way in which he acted or are other people just as responsible?

This is really a matter of personal opinion. You can say that, since Macbeth was the one who actually killed King Duncan, he is the one at fault, though, it can also be argued that, as she deeply encouraged Macbeth to take over the throne, Lady Macbeth is just as responsible, maybe even more at fault. It should be said, though, that Macbeth was already desiring the throne even before Lady Macbeth said anything to him about it... In act one, scene four, lines 57-58, Macbeth says, "Stars, hide your fires;/ Let not light see my black and deep desires." He might not have gone through with anything, though, had he not been so encouraged by Lady Macbeth.

Should the punishment for people who have killed is to be killed?

IN my opion yes because he killed the presdent... if you were presdent and some one killed you wouldn't you want that person killed?

In Macbeth Macduff agrees to revolt Macbeth why?

It's a two-part answer. One, Macbeth is a traitor and killed the King of Scotland. Macduff is loyal to the rightful heir, Malcolm. Macduff assists Malcolm in the retaking of Dunsinane castle and murders Macbeth. But Macbeth also hired assassins to have Macduffs family murdered. Macduff's wife and children were all murdered after he fled to England with Malcolm.