Many consider that the protagonist of Ulysses is Leopold Bloom, although his "spiritual son" Stephen Dedalus and his unfaithful wife Molly Bloom play tremendously important parts in the novel.
"Ulysses" is the name of a person, specifically the main character in the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homer.
Are you referring the novel Ulysses? if so it was written by James Joyce If you are referring to the Odyssey (where Ulysses is the main character) it was written by Homer and is actually an epic poem.
James is main character
James McAvoy.
The main character in "The Adventures of Ulysses" is Ulysses, also known as Odysseus in Greek mythology. Other important characters include his wife Penelope, his son Telemachus, and various gods and goddesses. The story follows Ulysses as he struggles to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
The main character in Jeffery Deaver's Carte Blanche is James Bond.
Leopold Bloom is the main character in "Ulysses" by James Joyce, and he represents the modern everyman navigating through a day in Dublin. He is a complex character who embodies themes of identity, alienation, and the search for meaning in a fragmented world. Bloom's experiences parallel those of Odysseus in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey," as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and encounters various challenges and obstacles. Through Bloom, Joyce explores the human condition and the complexities of modern life.
The address of the Ulysses Library is: 401 North Main St, Ulysses, 16948 0316
In Greek mythology, Polyphemus is the cyclops son of Poseidon and Thoosa. Ulysses is another name for Odysseus, the character in the epic poem "The Odyssey" who kills Polyphemus.
The main character in "Dream On" by James Tate is an unnamed protagonist who navigates surreal and abstract dream-like scenarios. The poem explores themes of isolation, longing, and the fragmented nature of dreams.
For Odysseus, the main character, also known as Ulysses. He was a lesser character in the Iliad, which is called that because Ilium was another name for Troy. Since then, a long and difficult journey has been referred to as an odyssey.
There r many, I'd say general James longstreet was the main 1, but any general mentioned in that book who has a chapter on its point of view can be considered as a main character