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Juliet threatens to end her own life in scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet.

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Q: Who is life does Juliet threaten to end in scene 5?
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Depends which scene. At the end of Act 2 he marries them, if that is what you are asking about.

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The only plan Juliet's parents make for her in the play is for Juliet to marry Paris.

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At the end of scence 2, the nurse asks Juliet asks the nurse to go give him a ring and tell him good-bye.

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For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

How does Romeo from Romeo and Juliet expect his life to end?

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At the end of scene 2 what does Juliet ask the nurse to do?

At the end of scence 2, the nurse asks Juliet asks the nurse to go give him a ring and tell him good-bye.

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Because she doesn't stop Romeo

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Benvolio is speaking to Mercutio at the end of Act 2, Scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet. They are discussing Romeo's sudden disappearance, as he has climbed over the wall into the Capulet's garden.

Who is Juliet waiting for in act 2 scene 5?

I suppose you mean Act 2 Scene 5 where Juliet is waiting for the nurse to come back. In Act 4 Scene 5 she is waiting for the potion to wear off so she'll wake up. Act 3 Scene 5 is a busy scene with not much time in it for waiting. In Act 1 Scene 5 Juliet is waiting for Romeo to kiss her when she says, "Saints do not move, but grant for prayers' sake."

How does act 4 scene 3 end in romeo and juliet?

Juliet says, "Romeo, I come! This do I drink to thee!" and she drinks Friar Lawrence's potion.

Why is Juliet angry with the nurse at the end of scene 5?

I'm going to assume that you're talking about Act 2, Scene 5. The nurse was slow to deliver Romeo's message regarding their marriage, and Juliet was impatient with her.

What does Romeo buy at the end of scene 1?

Romeo buys a ticket to the Capulet party from the servant in scene 1 of "Romeo and Juliet." This ticket allows him to attend the party where he meets Juliet for the first time.