In "The Big Wave" by Pearl S. Buck, Jiya is a young Japanese boy who becomes close friends with the protagonist, Kino, after their village is hit by a devastating tsunami. Jiya is brave, hardworking, and resilient, and his friendship with Kino helps both boys cope with the tragedy and rebuild their lives.
Jiya is very happy.
jiya , kino , mr.ucnchiyama +mrs, setsu ,old gentleman
jiya , kino , mr.ucnchiyama +mrs, setsu ,old gentleman
"The Big Wave" was written by Pearl S. Buck. It is a story about a young boy named Jiya who lives in a fishing village in Japan and experiences a devastating tsunami.
The setting of "The Big Wave" by Pearl S. Buck is rural Japan, specifically a village near the sea where two young boys, Kino and Jiya, live. The story is set against the backdrop of the ocean and the looming threat of a tsunami.
Jiya builds a house on the beach with a window facing the sea, and then he marries Setsu.
The point of view in "The Big Wave" by Pearl S. Buck is third-person limited, focusing primarily on the experiences and thoughts of the protagonist, a young boy named Jiya. This perspective allows readers to get to know Jiya deeply while also providing insight into the larger events and themes of the story.
Jiya is a young boy who is determined to become a fisherman like his father, while Kino is an older, experienced fisherman. Jiya is still learning the skills needed for fishing, while Kino is more knowledgeable and skilled in handling the challenges of the sea. Additionally, Jiya is more impulsive and emotional, while Kino is more calm and experienced in his decision-making.
"The Big Wave" is a children's novel by Pearl S. Buck that follows two main characters, a Japanese boy named Jiya and his friend, Kino. The story is centered around their experiences of survival and dealing with the aftermath of a devastating tsunami that strikes their village in Japan.
Possibly the most important theme in The Big Wave is the concept that life is stronger than death. This message is repeated numerous times throughout the story as Kino's father teaches Kino about life, death, fear and recovery from grief. After the big wave kills Jiya's parents, Kino's father tells his son that Jiya will learn how to live with his parents' deaths as part of his life because life is stronger than death. < proving that life is stronger than death.
"The Big Wave" by Pearl S. Buck is a story about a Japanese village that gets devastated by a massive tsunami. The flashback in the story reveals the bond between two best friends, Jiya and Kino, and how they are separated by the tragic event. It highlights their struggle to overcome their grief and rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the disaster.
Setsu is the sister of Kino, who is one of the main character in the story. Setsu is the daughter of a farmer, and is a cheerful and mischievous girl. She is younger than Kino, and has a nose which Kino calls 'silly'. When she had grown up, she married Jiya, who is another main character in the story and the friend of Kino. Jiya admires her and think she is life to him, despite the fact she plays tricks on him sometimes.