

Best Answer
  • Okonkwo is more a typical man in the Igbo sense.
  • Okonkwo is a better farmer; Unoka is lazy.
  • Okonkwo is arrogant, whereas Unoka is meeker.
  • Okonkwo does not ask for many favours, whereas Unoka is in debt to anyone who will lend money to him.
  • Unoka is a drunkard, whereas Okonkwo seems to enjoy wine responsibly
  • Okonkwo hates not having anything to do, whereas Unoka is more able to relax.
  • Unoka is more talented musically
  • Okonkwo is a better wrestler.
  • Okonkwo is a reknowned warrior, where Unoka is afraid of blood.
  • Okonkwo cares more about what people think of him. He is concerned about position within the tribe
  • Okonkwo occasionally acts as egwugwu. Unoka would never be accorded this privilege.
  • Okonkwo takes two titles. Unoka has none.
  • Okonkwo kills himself. Unoka dies of disease.
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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

Unoka is Okonkwo's father in Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart." Unoka is known for being lazy and irresponsible, which stands in contrast to Okonkwo's strong work ethic and ambition. Their relationship is strained because Okonkwo resents his father's weakness and strives to be everything that Unoka was not.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Ezinma and Okonkwo are both brash and occasionally ill-tempered, with them not being able to stand people, particularly fools, at times. They are both socially class conscious, and understand the underlying workings of their society. They both have a good relationship with Ekwefi.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Okonkwo and Unoka are Alike in the way that they are both extremes they show these characteristics in the story.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Unoka is Okonkwo's father.

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Q: Who is Unoka and how is he related to Okonkwo?
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What is Okonkwo's relationship with Unoka?

Okonkwo is Unoka's son. Okonkwo does not respect Unoka, as Unoka is looked down upon by the villagers.

How have Unoka failures affected Okonkwo start in life?

Unoka's failures served as a source of shame for Okonkwo, pushing him to strive for success and distance himself from his father's reputation. Okonkwo's drive to succeed was fueled by a desire to overcome his father's shortcomings and establish himself as a respected and successful member of the community. Ultimately, Unoka's failures influenced Okonkwo's fierce determination to achieve greatness and avoid the same fate as his father.

How did Unoka affect Okonkwo?

His father Unoka was a lazy debtor, a poor farmer, a coward in war, and an agbala, a man who has taken no titles. Children make fun of him for being an agbala. He is a huge debtor because of his drinking debts, and will never pay back the money. He can barely afford to support his family, and yet when he borrows money he almost immediately spends it on wine. Instead of working hard to succeed, he wastes his time playing the flute. People from the village looked down upon him, and Okonkwo felt ashamed by proxy. Okonkwo tries to rise from this inferiority complex by becoming everything his father is not. Finally, at the end of his days, Unoka is afflicted with swelling of the limbs and is carried to the Evil Forest to die instead of being given a burial.

What aspects of unokas life and death make okonkwo despise him?

Unoka's laziness, lack of ambition, and inability to support his family during his life contribute to Okonkwo's disdain for him. In addition, Unoka's death, which is seen as shameful due to his debts and lack of titles, further reinforces Okonkwo's negative perception of his father.

What are Okonkwo's feelings towards his father?

Okonkwo is ashamed of his father Unoka. He feels his father is weak, effeminate, and made fun of by other members of the tribe. Okonkwo feels a man should be strong like a warrior, but his father is shy of blood. Okonkwo feels a man should be hard working and provide for his family, but Unoka is lazy, and a very poor farmer. Okonkwo ends up inheriting nothing from his father.

What did okonkwo illness tell about him?

Okonkwo's illness showed his vulnerability and fear of being seen as weak or inadequate in the eyes of his community. It highlighted his inner turmoil and the pressure he felt to live up to the expectations of masculinity and success in his society, which ultimately contributed to his tragic downfall.

Does Achebe's mean us to share Okonkwo's low opinion of his father?

Achebe presents Okonkwo's view of his father to highlight the conflict between tradition and change. While Okonkwo's negative opinion of his father is depicted, the novel also shows the complexities and limitations of Okonkwo's perspective. Achebe encourages readers to consider the broader cultural and historical context that shapes Okonkwo's beliefs.

Why did the protagonist have identity problems in Things Fall Apart?

Okonkwo was ashamed of his father Unoka, whom other villagers laughed at and did not respect.

How did Okonkwo's father lead to his downfall?

Okonkwo's father, Unoka, was seen as weak, unambitious, and unsuccessful in his community. Okonkwo was determined not to be like his father and worked hard to build his own reputation. However, his fear of being associated with his father's perceived failures led him to overcompensate with excessive harshness and a relentless pursuit of success, ultimately leading to his downfall.

What did the Oracle Agbala tell Okonkwo's father Unoka when he asked why his crops were not successful?

The Oracle Agbala told Unoka that his crops were failing because he was lazy and had poor work ethic. Unoka was advised to work harder and take farming more seriously in order to achieve success.

Why did a playmate call okonkwos father agbala?

Okonkwo's father Unoka was an agbala. The primary definition of agbala was woman, but it could also be used to describe a man with no titles, derisively. As Unoka had no titles, he was an agbala. Some children are mean or thoughtless.

What supports the inference that Achebe believes that it is important to strike a balance between being successful and enjoying life?

"[Unoka] was poor and his wife and children had barely enough to eat." "But [Okonkwo's] whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness. . . . It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father. . . ." "Unoka loved . . . the first kites that returned with the dry season, and the children who sang songs of welcome to them." "If any money came [Unoka's] way . . . he immediately bought gourds of palm-wine, called round his neighbors and made merry." "Okonkwo is a strong, disciplined man but he cannot enjoy simple things in life." "And so Okonkwo was ruled by one passion - to hate everything that his father Unoka had loved."