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Ojiugo was Okonkwo's third wife and mother to Nkechi. She appears to be younger and less responsible than Okonkwo's other wives.

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Ojiugo is a character in Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart." She is Okonkwo's youngest wife and plays a significant role in the story as she represents the changing roles of women in Igbo society during the colonial era.

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Related questions

What happens to Ojiugo during the week of peace?

Ojiugo is beat by Okonkwo for failing to prepare meals for Okonkwo and her children.

How are okonkwo and ojiugo related?

They are not related by blood; they marry one another.

Why does Nwoye and Ekwefi's mother claim that Ojiugo has asked her to feed her children?

Nwoye and Ekwefi's mother claims that Ojiugo has asked her to feed her children because in Igbo culture, it is an expression of anger and resentment when one person feeds another person's children without permission or invitation. Ojiugo's actions have caused offense and tension within the family.

Who are the children of Ojiugo okonkwo's third wife?

Ojiugo, Okonkwo's third wife, had two daughters: Nkechi and Enzima.

Why did Okonkwo beat Ojiugo during the week of peace?

Okonkwo waits for his afternoon meal from Ojuigo but it never comes. She went to get her hair plaited at her friend's house and forgot to return early enough to cook the meal. The first wife ends up feeding her children. Okonkwo beats Ojiugo for her negligence.

What happened to Okonkwo when he beat Ojiugo during the week of peace?

Okonkwo breaks the sacred Peace of Ani, also known as the Week of Peace, by beating Ojiugo, his third wife. He is forced to sacrifice to the goddess and repent. His neighbours look down upon Okonkwo for the sacrilege, and also for not being outwardly repentant, as they think he is not genuinely repenting.

Why did the priest Ezeani consider Okonkwo's transgression to be a greater sin than that of his third wife?

Okonkwo broke the Week of Peace, a sacred thing. Ojiugo merely was negligent in her duties.

Who does Okonkwo beat during the week of peace?

Okonkwo beat his third wife, Ojiugo, during the week of peace for her negligence in failing to prepare meals for either himself or her children.

Is Akon married?

Yes,he is His wife's name is Latrice. Here is a picture of them:

Who did Okonkwo beat?

Okonkwo has anger problems and takes it out on his spouses. Okonkwo's wife Ojiugo forgets to get Okonkwo and her children their meals, as she went to get her hair plaited at her friend's house. The first wife ends up feeding her children. Okonkwo beats Ojiugo for her negligence. Unfortunately, this beating violates the sacred Week of Peace. During the New Yam Festival, Okonkwo gets restless and angry, and makes up an excuse to beat his second wife.

What crime does okonkwo commit during the week of peace from things fall apart?

Okonkwo commits the crime of beating his wife, Ojiugo, during the Week of Peace by violating the rules of the sacred week. This action angers the gods and disrupts the peace and sanctity of the community.

Who were okonkwos wives?

Okonkwo has three wives:The first is unnamed and is mother to Nwoye and Obiageli.The second wife is Ekwefi who leaves her husband for Okonkwo and mothers Ezinma.The last wife is Ojiugo, mother of Nkechi. She is also the youngest and is beaten for getting her hair braided, neglecting the job of making dinner.