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The nurse calls Capulet a cot-quean because he is trying to be in charge of the cooking and general wedding arrangements, which were considered to be "women's work".

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Lady Capulet is called a "cot-quean" by the Nurse because she is insensitive towards Juliet's feelings and lacks a supportive relationship with her daughter. The term "cot-quean" implies a messy, neglectful housewife, which reflects the Nurse's disapproval of Lady Capulet's maternal abilities.

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Q: Who gets called a 'cot-quean' in Romeo and Juliet and why?
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Who is the Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo is Juliet's lover. He is, as is obvious, one of the two main characters of the story. The basic storyline goes that Romeo and Juliet's families are enemies, but Romeo and Juliet fall in love, get married secretly, then Romeo gets exiled because he killed Juliet's cousin, then Juliet wants to be with him so she fakes her death, but Romeo doesn't get told it's fake and rushes back to where they live, and they both die.

Was there a letter to romeo to say that Juliet pretended to be dead?

Yes. Friar Lawrence sends Romeo a letter to tell him of Juliet's 'fake death', but Romeo never gets the letters. :(

How does Romeo die?

Romeo dies by drinking a vial of poison after he sees a "dead" Juliet.