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Huck wanted to claim the reward.

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Jim kept the dead man's identity a secret from Huck to protect him from the harsh reality that the dead man was Huck's father. He wanted to shield Huck from the emotional burden and potential trauma of finding out the truth about his family.

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Q: Who do you suppose that Jim kept the dead man's identity a secret from Huck?
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What happened to huckleberry Finns father?

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In Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," it is revealed by the end of the story that Tom and Huck are not actually dead, as previously believed, but were hiding in the woods. The truth is eventually clarified by Tom himself, when he reveals his identity to his aunt Polly and the town.

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Why does Jim not tell Huck who the dead man is?

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What did huck and Jim find in the old house they discovered?

a dead body

What has happened to hucks father?

In Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Huck's father, Pap Finn, is abusive and is revealed to have died in a cabin when it floats away during a flood. Huck discovers his father's body inside.

What was toms reaction when he met huck on the road?

felt sorry for Huck

When Huck puts the dead snake on Jim's bed the trick backfires because?

Huck didn't expect it's mate to come and bite Jim, injecting him with venom

Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead is one of Benjamin Franklin's famous aphorisms What do you suppose he meant by this particular aphorism?

What he meant was the only true way to keep something secret is to trust it to only yourself. Just as the three shared trust enough for the secret, they also individually have those they trust to whom they may reveal the secret. It will no longer be a secret if it spread outside of the original three.

What is Huck's reactions to the footprints?

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