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The kids think that Mr. Robinson is a better person than Mr. Ewell in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Mr. Robinson is portrayed as a kind and honest man, while Mr. Ewell is shown to be dishonest and abusive. The children's belief in Mr. Robinson's goodness is based on their observations and experiences with both men.

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Q: Who do the kids think is a better person mr Ewell or mr Robinson?
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I think it'd be interesting to write about Bob Ewell and Mayella Ewell For example, what was the culture that made them so racist? What is it like for a girl to come of age in a town where Black men are so demonized? What made Mayella try to entice Tom Robinson, and why did Bob Ewell think it was okay to beat her--then blame Tom for it?

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Atticus asks Mr. Ewell to write his name to show the court his dominant hand, as he is trying to prove that Mr. Ewell could have been the one to harm his daughter, Mayella. This questioning helps to establish doubt about Mr. Ewell's credibility and the events surrounding the case.

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Boo Radley (Ch 19) Scout thinks Mayella Ewell is the loneliest person in the world. Mayella Ewell was even lonelier than Boo Radley, who had not been out of the house in twenty five years.

Who does the sheriff think killed Ewell?

The sheriff thinks Jem killed Bob Ewell.

Who did Atticus suggest hurt Mayella?


witch is better online school or in person school?

i think in person is better

In the book To Kill A Mockingbird who is responsible for Tom Robinsion's death?

There are many sides to the answer of this question. One side of people think that it is tom's fault. In the story he is shot while trying to escape from prison. But if you really think about it, he wasnt trying to escape. He was simply murdered in prison. The other side thing that it was because of the Ewells. Mayella was a lonely girl who needed to save herself some dignity and so she convicted Tom for absolutely nothing.

What does mr Ewell think of Atticus?

black people lover

Why do you think the ship was carrying animals in Swiss family Robinson?

because they needed food or to find them a better place to live