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Tom initially assumes Huck is a ghost when he sees him in the wagon on the road.

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Q: Who did tom think huck was when he saw him in the wagon on the road?
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As Huck was walking down the road what did he see the duke doing?

Huck saw the duke practicing a Shakespearean speech by the roadside. The duke was preparing for their upcoming con where they would perform as actors.

How did Jim react when he saw Huck for the first time?

Jim was initially startled and suspicious when he saw Huck for the first time as he was afraid Huck would turn him in. However, he eventually realized that Huck genuinely wanted to help him escape, which led to a deep bond of friendship developing between the two characters.

Who uses saw?

Huck does to get out of the cabin and fake his own murder

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they expeirence the murder

How did esperanza feel when she saw the wagon?

she was shocked

Why does pap was trying to kill Huck?

Pap was trying to kill Huck because he wanted access to Huck's money, which was being held in a trust and couldn't be accessed by Pap. He saw Huck as a means to get his hands on the money and believed that by getting rid of Huck, he could access it.

Why did hucks pap come back?

When Huck got rich, Pap Finn came back to get some of his money. He wanted to get Huck's money. A+

What animal noise ho huck and tom use to sneak out together?

Huck and Tom use a saw to imitate the noise of a beetle while sneaking out together.

What did Huck witness when he was sitting in a?

He saw Buck and his cousin killed while fighting five men.

Who did Tom and Huck see sleeping in a ruined building?

Tom and Huck saw Injun Joe sleeping in a ruined building.

What scared huck breathless while exploring the wrecked steamboat?

Huck was scared breathless when he saw a dead man's body with a gruesome wound on the wrecked steamboat. The sight of the violence and death was overwhelming for him.

Why does Huck want people to think that he is dead?

Huck wants people to think he's dead because he's trying to escape from his abusive father and the strict societal expectations placed on him. Faking his death allows him the freedom to embark on adventures without being pursued or controlled by others.