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Jewish and Muslim traditions both identify Ishmael as the father of the Arabs. The Jewish tradition merely remembers that he went south, the Islamic tradition has that trip end at Mecca. The two traditions disagree about which son of Abraham was almost sacrificed.

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Modern day descendants of Ishmael are often believed to be the Arab peoples, who are said to have descended from Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar according to The Bible and Quran.

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What information can be found on the Ishmael descendants chart?

The Ishmael descendants chart provides information about the lineage and family tree of Ishmael, the son of Abraham in the Bible. It includes details about his descendants, their relationships, and their place in history.

Are the descendants of Ishmael still required to circumcise their sons?

It depends on who is being asked. Jews do not believe that it is incumbent on the descendants of Ishmael to continue to circumcise themselves because they are outside of the Israelite covenant. Muslims believe that circumcision is still mandatory for the descendants of Ishmael.

What are the descendants of Abraham?

The descendants of Abraham are Ishmael (Ismael) and Isaac (Isshaq). Ishmael descendants are merged into the Arabs. The descendants of one of Isaac sons (Jacob) comprised the 12 tribes of Jews. That is why it is said Arabs and Jews are cousins.

Who are decendents of Isaac ans Ishmael today?

Isaac and Ismael are the sons of Abraham. The descendants of Isaac are the Jewish people. The descendants of Ishmael are the Muslim people.

Which tribe did the Muslim religion descend from in the Bible?

Muslims are descendants of Ishmael.

Did prophet Ishmael have any kids?

Yes. His descendants are Arabs & Muslims in particular.

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Who are the modern day descendants of manasseh?

The United States of America and the United Kingdom.

What was the blessing of Ishmael?

The blessing of Ishmael was that he would be the father of a great nation, and his descendants would be numerous. He was promised to be a wild man living among his brethren.

Was bathsheba a descendant of ishmael?

No. according to the old testament she was most probably a Hittie. which, again according to the book were descendants of Ham, (Ishmael was a descendant of Shem.)

Are their any modern day descendants of Alvin york?

Yes...I know one of Sgt Yorks' descendants in Tennessee....what info are you looking for?

Who are Abraham's descendants?

The main are Isaac, Jacob, Esau, and Joseph.__________________________________________________________Abraham descendants are:Older son is Ishmael (or Ismael) and his descendants, mainly prophet MuhammadSecond son is Isac and his descendants, mainly Jacob, Joseph, and Jesus.