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Abraham Lincoln

in the goodness & kindness and

humanity & justice of his nature,

stood between the outraged men and the Indians

-saying- " Men, this must not be done." he had courage to stop the ugly fight, between white men and indian.


had courage to go Into the Woods of the night to inform John Smith about the plot formed by her father to destroy him and his men.

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Rosa Parks - refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, sparking the Civil Rights Movement. Nelson Mandela - fought against apartheid in South Africa and spent 27 years in prison for his beliefs. Joan of Arc - led the French army to several victories in the Hundred Years' War despite being a teenage girl.

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Q: Who are some historical people that showed courage. what did they do that showed courage?
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This is a pretty hard one. All people have courage of some kind and all of us lack courage at some time. I'm retired military and I have seen people do some pretty courageous things and then run like crazy at other times. Courage is more than standing up to a bully or running headling into a fight. Some people are born with physical disabilities and manage to overcome them and even flourish. That is one type of courage. Others show their courage by just going to work day after day to provide for their families. Courage doesn't necessarily mean you are not afraid. Sometimes you can be very afraid and you will still do what you need to do to protect yourself or a loved one. Don't worry, when it really matters, you will have the courage you need.

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When people play as actors to represent an historical event, the event is called an historical reenactment. Some call the actors "reenactors".The Civil War reenactment was held at Gettysburg.Reenactors, dressed in replica clothing of the period, showed what life might have been like in the Jamestown Colony.If done in a theater setting, it could also be actors in a play.

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Power makes some people cruel.

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