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A sterile futuristic society where emotions and personal opinions are suppressed in favor of rational decision-making, or a post-apocalyptic world where survivors must set aside personal biases to work together for the greater good.

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Q: Which setting would best fit the theme of humanity's struggle to achieve objectivity and impartiality?
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Is complete objectivity impossible to achieve when studying humans?

Complete objectivity may be difficult to achieve when studying humans due to the researcher's personal biases, perspectives, and interpretations that can influence the results. However, researchers can strive to minimize bias by using rigorous methods, considering multiple viewpoints, and critically examining their own assumptions. Ultimately, striving for objectivity while recognizing its limitations is crucial in social science research.

Is objectivity possible in history?

Objectivity in history is difficult to achieve as historians' perspectives, interpretations, and biases can influence the way historical events are presented. However, historians can strive for objectivity by utilizing diverse sources, acknowledging different viewpoints, and critically analyzing evidence to minimize bias in their work. Ultimately, while complete objectivity may be unattainable, historians can aim to provide well-rounded and balanced accounts of the past.

Do people value for what they struggle for?

yes,people do value for what they struggle because struggle means fighting with self ill confidence to achieve success and performing hardwork for day and nights so people do value

What is the conflict in things fall apart?

The major conflicts occurring in the book are the struggle for Okonkwo to achieve his ambitions, and the struggle of the Igbo to properly deal with the colonists and their religion.

Why is it impossible to achieve objectivity when carrying out qualitative research?

Objectivity in qualitative research is challenging due to the influence of researcher bias, subjectivity, and interpretation. Researchers' backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences can affect their data collection, analysis, and conclusions. The subjective nature of qualitative data also makes it difficult to completely remove personal bias, leading to the inability to achieve complete objectivity.

What is a blindfolded women holding a pair of scales?

The image of a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales is typically symbolic of justice or fairness. This imagery is commonly associated with the Greek goddess Themis, who is often depicted in this way to represent the impartiality and objectivity of justice.

According to Max Weber what are the limitations of objectivity in understanding society and what did he think sociologists should use instead?

Max Weber believed that complete objectivity in studying society is not possible due to inherent values and biases. He argued that sociologists should strive for 'value neutrality,' where they acknowledge their own biases but attempt to set them aside and focus on understanding the meaning and significance of social actions to individuals. By using this approach, sociologists can achieve a more nuanced understanding of society.

What meaning compitition?

To 'compete' means:1) to strive to achieve the best performance in an undertaking such as sports2) in business and economics, to strive to achieve the highest profitability or productivity in a given market sector3) in biology, to struggle, as for food or habitation, in order to survive and propagate the species

What does climbing a black tooth in your dreams mean?

A black tooth is a tooth that is rotten or dead. Climbing something in a dream represents an effort or struggle. Combined, the images in this dream suggest that you are caught up in a "dead" or "rotten" struggle. Whatever purpose you are struggling to achieve is already "dead," a lost cause.

A struggle between two opposing forces?

A conflict arises when two opposing forces clash in an attempt to achieve their goals. This struggle can manifest in various forms, such as physical battles, ideological differences, or power struggles. Resolving the conflict often requires negotiation, compromise, or one side overcoming the other.

Can sociology be value free and objective?

Sociology as a field aims to be value-free and objective by using empirical research methods to study society. However, researchers' own values and biases can still influence the research process, making complete objectivity difficult to achieve. It is important for sociologists to be aware of their own values and strive to minimize bias in their work.