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This line is from "Sonnet 20" by William Shakespeare. It is part of a longer poem where the speaker is praising the beauty of the person they are addressing, who seems to blend masculine and feminine qualities. The line you provided is questioning the nature of this person's beauty.

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Q: Where is this located in the poemyou look to like if looking liking move?
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I'll look to like if looking liking move?

It sounds like you're referring to a Shakespearean quote from "Romeo and Juliet." This line means that when someone appears attractive, we tend to be attracted to them, even if we weren't looking for that attraction. It highlights the unpredictable and sudden nature of love and desire.

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Yes. Why else would he be staring at you? And no, you have nothing on your face. He apparently likes you if he can't keep his eyes off you, and he's just too shy to say it.

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Don't fight for him. If he doesn't see it in you at first, then he's not worthy of you. Find someone else, I bet someone's looking for someone like you.