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Its on the very last page and sentence. It was in jem' room.

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Atticus spends the night outside the jail where Tom Robinson is being held to guard him from a potential lynch mob. This demonstrates Atticus's commitment to justice, his courage in standing up for his principles, and his willingness to protect those who are vulnerable.

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Q: Where does atticus spend the night and what does that tell about him?
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The kids find out that Atticus had been aware of what happened the night Dill lied about Jem losing his pants playing strip poker when they are discussing the events of the previous night in Atticus' office. Atticus tells the kids that he knew the truth the entire time and that he was not fooled by Dill's lie. He goes on to explain his reasoning behind not telling them the truth that night. He says that he wanted to give them the opportunity to tell him the truth on their own and that he was not going to force them to admit the truth if they didn't want to. Atticus also says that he wanted them to learn from the experience and to understand the consequences of lying.Atticus' explanation reveals to the kids that he was aware of what really happened that night and that he was not fooled by Dill's lie. This shows the kids that Atticus is wise and that he trusts them to tell him the truth even when it is difficult to admit. It also teaches them to be honest and to accept responsibility for their actions.

Why does Jem tell Atticus what happened with the pants?

He doesn't want atticus to feel that he cannot be trusted.

Where do turkeys spend the night?

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What does did dill tell Atticus he does at the lake with Jem and scout?

Dill told Atticus that they were just having lunch.

Who goes with Atticus to Helen Robinsion's house to tell her Tom's dead?

Calpurnia accompanies Atticus to Helen Robinson's house to deliver the news of Tom's death.

Why does Atticus leave the house late at night Other than the time what is unusual about his departure?

Atticus leaves the house late at night to go to the county jail to protect Tom Robinson from the potential threat of a lynch mob. What's unusual about his departure is that he doesn't tell his children where he's going or why, which goes against his usual openness and honesty with them.

How do you talk your GRANDMA into letting you spend a night?

Say i want to spend a night please

When was Why Don't You Spend the Night created?

Why Don't You Spend the Night was created in 1980-01.

Where were Atticus and cal going?

Atticus and Cal were going to Finch's Landing to tell Aunt Alexandra about Tom's death.