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Fleance escaped while his father, Banquo, died from having his throat slit by the three hired murderers of Macbeth [d. August 15, 1057]. William Shakespeare [Baptized April 26, 1564-April 23, 1616] relied upon one historical source for plays such as 'Macbeth'. That source was 'The Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland' [revised second edition, 1587] by Raphael Holinshed [d. c. 1580]. According to Holinshed's Chronicles, Fleance escaped to Wales. There, he married Nesta verch Gruffydd, the daughter of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn [c. 1007-August 5, 1063], the last native Prince of Wales and the ruler of all Wales the last eight years of his life. Their son Walter ultimately relocated to Scotland, where he became the Royal Steward to the monarchs. He also became the ancestor to King James [June 19, 1566-March 27, 1625] I of England and Ireland, and VI of Scotland. But Holinshed's Chronicles didn't tally with other historical records. For example, most historians have found Nesta married, only once, to Osbern FitzRichard. Nesta's mother was Aldgyth aka Edith of Mercia [d. after 1070]. Aldgyth took as her second husband King Harold II [1022-October 14, 1066] of England. She was the daughter of Aelfgar [d. c. 1062], Earl of Mercia; and the granddaughter of Leofric [d. August 31 or September 30, 1057], Earl of Mercia and husband of Godgifu [fl. 1040-1080], the Lady Godiva of history, legend, and literature.

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In Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth,' it is suggested that Fleance flees to safety in order to avoid being killed by the murderers sent by Macbeth to eliminate him, as he is a threat to Macbeth's reign due to being the son of Banquo, a potential rival. It is implied that he survives and eventually becomes king, fulfilling the witches' prophecy that Banquo's descendants will inherit the throne.

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In Act Three of The Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance. The murderers successfully kill Banquo, but Fleance manages to escape, leaving Macbeth's desire to secure the throne unfulfilled.

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Macbeth's plan was to murder fleance and banquo but it was not accomplished fully because fleance was able 2 escape

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Macbeth told that Fleance should also be assassinated along with his father.

What is fleance in Macbeth's play?

Fleance is Banquo's son who flees the three murderers when his father is killed.

Who alone escapes macbeth's hired murderers?

Fleance escapes as his father, Benquo is killed.

How is fleance's escape a turning point for Macbeth?

Fleance's escape symbolizes the failure of Macbeth's plan to secure his throne through murder. It marks a shift in Macbeth's confidence and security in his power, as he becomes increasingly paranoid and fearful of losing his position. Macbeth's inability to eliminate Fleance ultimately foreshadows his downfall and the unraveling of his rule.