"The Cay" was written by Theodore Taylor and first published in 1969. The novel tells the story of a young boy, Phillip, who becomes stranded on a deserted island with an elderly black man named Timothy during World War II.
Marilyn Cay has written: 'Farm' -- subject(s): Farm life, Poetry
Timothy of the Cay has 176 pages. It was written 24 years after The Cay by Theodore Taylor. It is a prequel/sequel.
The book "The Cay" is written in first person. The narrator, Phillip, tells the story from his own perspective, sharing his thoughts and experiences.
Cay S. Horstmann has written: 'Core Java 2' -- subject(s): Java (Computer program language), Java 2.
Cay Hehner is an author known for writing books in the young adult and romance genres, including "Dragonsong" and "Risking Exposure". She often incorporates elements of fantasy and adventure into her storytelling.
Khanh Haon Do has written: 'Cay dan mien dien'
He was on the Cay for about 133 days.
Nina Berkhout has written: 'Elseworlds' 'Letters from Deadman's Cay' -- subject(s): Canadians, Poetry
Harriet S. Wymbs has written: 'Cat on the cay' -- subject(s): Cats, Anecdotes
The Cay was created in 1974.