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dramatic irony

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dramatic irony. This occurs when the audience has more information than the character, creating tension and often leading to unexpected outcomes.

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Q: When there is a contrast between what the reader knows and what the character knows it is a case of?
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What is the contradiction between what a character thinks or believes to be true and what the reader knows to be true?

I think that's called dramatic irony, when the reader knows something that the character doesn't.

A contrast between what the reader knows and what the character knows?

Dramatic irony occurs when the reader knows something that the character does not. This creates tension and anticipation as the audience waits to see how the character will react when they eventually discover the truth. It can also add depth to the narrative by allowing for subtle commentary on the characters' actions and motivations.

A story that includes a scene in which the reader knows that the main character is about to walk off a cliff but the character thinks theres actually a path there makes use of what kind of irony?

This scenario uses dramatic irony, where the reader knows something that the main character does not. The tension arises from the difference in knowledge between the reader and the character, creating suspense as the reader anticipates the impending danger.

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Foreshadowing is where the author tells the reader something, but the character doesn't know it. The reader knows something is coming before the character does.

When the knows something the doesnt it is an example of dramatic irony?

reader; character

What is it called when the reader knows more then the character?

When the reader knows more than the character in a story, it is known as dramatic irony. This literary technique creates tension and engages the audience as they are aware of information that affects the story but is unknown to the characters.

What is dramatic irony -?

Dramatic irony is when the words and actions of the characters of a work of literature have a different meaning for the reader than they do for the characters. This is the result of the reader having a greater knowledge than the characters themselves.--It is a contradiction between what a character says and what the audience knows.---Dramatic Irony occurs when the reader or spectator knows more about the true state of affairs then the characters themselves.A situation in a play in which the audience knows more than the characters

When the audience or reader of a play knows something a character in the play does not it's called?

dramatic irony.

What are the three types of irony?

There is dramatic, situational, and verbal irony. Dramatic Irony- the contrast between what the character knows and what his audience knows. Situational Irony- the contrast between what was expected to happen and what actually ended up happening. Verbal Irony- the contrast between what is said and what is meant. These types of irony have to do with the conflict, theme, and setting.

What is the dramatic irony in the story Full Circle by sue Grafton?

In "Full Circle" by Sue Grafton, the dramatic irony occurs when the reader knows information that the character does not. For example, if the reader knows who the real culprit is but the main character is still investigating the wrong person, that creates dramatic irony. This can create tension and suspense in the story as the reader anticipates how the character will react once they discover the truth.

What is the difference between verbal and dramatic irony?

Verbal irony occurs when a statement by a character denotes an unexpected result. The irony is within the statement. Dramatic irony occurs when the reader of a story or viewer of a play or movie knows that a character is doing something that will have an unexpected result while the character is unaware of it. The irony is within the reader/viewer's mind things unfold.

Point of view Is when a character tells the story and the reader knows only what this character feels or see?

Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. First person point of view involves the narrator telling the story using "I" or "we." This limits the reader to only experiencing what the narrator sees, hears, and knows.