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It was filled with cement from Mr. Radley.

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3mo ago

Jem and Scout discovered that someone had filled the knot hole with cement, sealing off the opening where gifts had previously been left for them by Boo Radley. This action by Nathan Radley signified the end of their secret communication with Boo.

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12y ago

They can not because the knothole is filled with cement by Mr. Radley

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14y ago

it was filled with cement

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Q: When jem and scout went to put a thank you note in the knot hole what did they discover?
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What do jem and scout find in the knot hole the third time?

Jem and Scout find a ball of twine in the knot hole the third time they visit.

What did scout find in the knot hole of the tree in the radleys yard?

Scout found two pieces of chewing gum minus their outer wrapper.

Who put the objects in the knot hole of the oak tree?

Boo Radley was the one who was leaving gifts for Jem and Scout in the knot hole of the oak tree.

What does scout find first wrapped in foil in the knot hole tree?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout finds two pieces of chewing gum in foil wrappers in the knot hole of the tree.

What do Jem and Scout find in the knot-hole of an oak tree at the Radley place?

They found some Indian-head pennies

What do scout and jem find in the knot hole that frightens scout?

Scout and Jem find two pieces of chewing gum, a ball of twine, and two Indian-head pennies in the knot hole of the tree. What frightens Scout is finding the gum and the twine, as they suspect someone has been leaving items for them in the tree, suggesting a hidden observer.

Who finds the first item in the knot hole?

Scout Finch and Jem Finch find the first item in the knot hole of the Radley tree in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Why does Nathan radley put cement in the knot hole?

Nathan Radley puts cement in the knot hole to stop Boo Radley from leaving gifts for Jem and Scout. He believes that Boo's interactions with the children are inappropriate and wants to cut off their communication.

What gifts were collected from the knot hole?

A stick of gum, indian-head pennies, pieces of soap carved to look like jem and scout.

What happen to the knot-hole?

Mr. Radley cements the knot hole shut.

Who filled the knot hole in the tree with cement To kill a mockingbird?

The cemented hole in the tree represents Boo Radley's isolation from society. Nathan Radley fills the hole with cement to prevent Boo from communicating with Jem and Scout. Jem is heartbroken because he realizes the cruelty of this action.

What happens to the knot hole?

As the tree grows, the knot hole can become covered up by new growth or get pushed out over time. The wood around the knot hole may also continue to grow and expand, filling in the space where the knot hole used to be.