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Fortunato first realizes that Montresor plans to harm him when he is being led deep into the catacombs and notices Montresor's silence and unusual behavior. At that point, he starts to feel uneasy and senses that something is amiss.

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Q: When does fortunato first realize that montresor plan to harm him?
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What is the relationship between Fortunato and Montresor in the Cask of Amontillado?

The story begins with Montresor explaining that the man Fortunato has given him many insults and that Montresor must get his revenge for them. The family motto is Nemo Me Impune Lacessit, which essentially means Montresor's family will permit no man to impugn its honor. The crest of the family arms is that of a foot crushing a snake that has its fangs in the foot, meaning that someone my try to harm the family but the family will kill whoever tries. This is exactly what Montressor does to Fortunato.

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Seeking revenge through violence is never justified. Killing Fortunato would have been a cruel and inhumane act, perpetuating a cycle of violence and harm. Montresor's actions should have focused on seeking forgiveness and reconciliation instead.

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Poe is using dramatic irony in this situation. The readers know Montresor's true intentions to harm Fortunato, while Fortunato remains unaware of the impending danger. This creates tension and suspense in the story.

What is the difference between an injury and an insult in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

The reader never finds out. In fact, it is possible that the insults Montresor talks about are all part of his deranged imagination and not real at all. Two indications of this are that Montresor never does give specifics and Fortunato greets Montresor in a friendly manner and happily agrees to test the Amontillado. This is not the behavior of a person who has given thousands of insults to Montresor.

What can you conclude about Montresor's feeling toward those who have wronged him?

Montresor harbors deep feelings of resentment and a strong desire for revenge against those who have wronged him. This is evident in his meticulous planning and execution of Fortunato's murder in "The Cask of Amontillado." These feelings drive Montresor to seek vengeance and inflict harm on those who have crossed him.

How does Montresor insure Fortunato will ocme along?

In Edgar Allan Poe's "A Cask of Amontilldo", Monstresor knows that Fortunato will not be able to resist the chance to drink a very rare wine he claims to possess. Fortunato is also very drunk and believes that Monstresor is his friend and means him no harm, so he follows him willingly.

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The reliability of the narrator in "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe is questionable because he is driven by revenge and madness. His perspective is skewed by his desire to harm Fortunato, making him an unreliable narrator as he manipulates the reader's perception of events. This adds a layer of suspense and uncertainty to the story.

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When was ...First Do No Harm created?

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What does the narrators smiling at the thought of fortunatos death tell you about his character?

The narrator's reaction suggests a deep-seated resentment and malice towards Fortunato. It reveals a cruel and vindictive nature, indicating a desire for revenge or satisfaction in seeing harm come to Fortunato. This moment is a glimpse into the narrator's dark and twisted personality.