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Boo Radley came out of his house in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" when he saved Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell's attack. This act of bravery marked a turning point in Boo's character, allowing him to connect with the children and show his true nature.

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Who lives in mrradley's house according to scout?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," according to Scout, Boo Radley lives in the Radley house.

What spooked Jem on the night of the Radley house incident Who do you suppose did this?

Jem was spooked by a shadowy figure lurking near the Radley house. It is later revealed that the figure was most likely Boo Radley, who had been watching over the children to protect them.

Who saves the children in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird.

In To Kill a Mockingbird who has the idea to get Boo Radley to come out?

Charles Baker Harris (Dill), who visits his aunt Rachel every summer in Maycomb came up with the idea of getting Boo Radley out of his house. Scout, Dill, and Jem try to do this with several different strategies.

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Rumors about the Radley house include that Boo Radley never came out of his house. Another rumor is that Boo Radley stabbed his father in the leg with a scissors.

In to kill a mockingbird superstition causes the children to be of which family's house?

The radley place home of Nathan and Arthur Radley(Boo Radley) There was a myth that Boo stabbed his parents

Where does Boo Radley leave the present for Scout and Jem?

Boo Radley leaves the presents for Scout and Jem in the knothole of the tree near the Radley house.

Scouts fantasy regarding Boo Radley in the novel to kill a mockingbird?

Scout just wants to see Boo Radley come out of his house.

What does the note say that Jem and Dill give Boo Radley?

Jem and Dill get the idea to write a note to Boo Radley asking him to come outside and tell them what he does inside his house. Furthermore, they write that they will buy him an ice cream and will not hurt him. They put the note on the end of a fishing pole and try to attach it to a window shutter on the side of Boo's house.

Where does the blanket around Scout come from?

The blanket around Scout comes from Boo Radley, who placed it over her shoulders while she was standing outside in the cold during the fire at Miss Maudie's house to keep her warm and safe.

Who saved Jim and Scout from bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley, who had been watching over the children, came to their rescue and ultimately saved them from Bob Ewell.

What was Boo Radley's full name?

Arthur Radley. his brother was mr. Nathan radley.