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I would draw a dark storm cloud hovering over a wilted flower, symbolizing despair and hopelessness.

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Q: What would you draw for despair?
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What are antonyms for despair?

If you are talking about the word 'despair' as a noun, some antonyms would be 'joy' and 'happiness'. However, if you are talking about it as a verb, a antonym would be 'hope'.

What is the collective noun for despair?

The collective noun is a wilderness of despair. The noun despair is also a collective noun for a despair of writers, a despair of goths.

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She gave up her attempt in despair. The despair of the crowd caused panic.

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What is the meaning of despairing?

of Despair, Feeling or expressing despair; hopeless.

What do despair mean?

"Despair" means "to be helpless."

What preposition goes with despair?

The word despair is followed by "of" in an archaic construction equivalent to "give up hope."e.g. I despair of ever reaching home.The word despair is often the object of prepositions "in" or "of" (e.g. depths of despair).

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"Despair" is a noun or a verb.

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Passion Despair was created on 2011-05-07.

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