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The first ghost represents "The Ghost of Christmas Past" The first ghost is like a child and not a child dressed in a white robe. This represents innocence and purity (as children are)

The second ghost represents "The Ghost of Christmas Present"

This ghost is dressed in a green robe with white fur, and a holly wreath and he comes with a scabbard with no sword and with a huge feast. This ghost seems more jovial and kingly. He represents generosity and plenty. He also represents power (the wreath and robes) but at the same time peace (no sword in his scabbard)

The third ghost represents "The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come" He appears in a black hooded cloak and the only feature that is visible is a long bony arm. This ghost represents death as he appears like the grim reaper. He has no defining features other than his arm which may mean that just like the future, it is not defined.

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6mo ago

In Charles Dickens' story "A Christmas Carol," the purpose of the ghosts is to show Scrooge the error of his ways and to help him understand the importance of kindness, generosity, and compassion. They serve as guides to help Scrooge reflect on his past, present, and potential future if he does not change his selfish and miserly behavior.

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10y ago

There were four ghosts that visited Scrooge that night: the ghost of his dead partner Marley; the Ghost of Christmas Past, who took Scrooge back in time to Christmases--both good and bad--when Scrooge was younger; the Ghost of Christmas Present, who took him to his nephew Fred's home and the Crachit's home, to show him how joyously they were enjoying the season, in spite of being poor; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, who took him into the future to scenes relating to Scrooge's own death.
To make Scrooge mend his ways and to make his realize that he can change his detiny!

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15y ago

There were four spirits that visited Scrooge that night: the Spirit of his dead partner Marley; the Spirit of Christmas Past, who "took" Scrooge back in time to Christmases--both good and bad--when Scrooge was younger; the Spirit of Christmas Present, who "took" him to his nephew Fred's home and the Crachit's home, to show him how joyously they were enjoying the season, in spite of being poor; and the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come, who "took" him into the future to scenes relating to Scrooge's own death. Scrooge convinced the last Spirit to leave by promising it he would change.

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14y ago

Three ghosts showed him the three stages of life: past, present, and, future.

The first showed scrooge he had been a lad full of life and vigor. That his soul had not always been dark and gray. That light had filled his heart, as well as, love. Scrooge had been adventurous and giving. He had been caring and full of wonderment.

The present showed Scrooge what the spirit of the past could not show him. Where as in the past Scrooge had been full of Gaiety and life, now he was a shell of his former self. The love in his heart withered and dried up. The one that could always cheer him was gone (his sister). He was showed how his nephew, Fred, defended him, though Scrooge treated him as one might treat a stranger. He was shown how true love can find its way to another if you keep it at bay long enough. Then it showed him how his cheating his clergy man was costing a young boy. who was not alive in his past, his life.

The future spirit then showed Scrooge what would become of himself and Tiny Tim. He saw how empty the world felt without that one small child, riding atop his dad's shoulders. The spirit showed Scrooge the only thing worse than dying was to die a lonely, miserable death. That all the wealth he had accumulated over the years would not buy him a favorable end.

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8y ago

The first to show Scrooge his own past. The good and the bad things that occurred and try to open Scrooges eyes to the effects they had on him then, The Ghost of Christmas Present was show Scrooge what was happening now, how people, even those with little or nothing gave thanks for what they had not what they didnt have and to bring about Scrooges understanding that its is Ignorance and Want that are the cause of many social issues of the time, The Ghost of Christmas a yet to Come; this spirit was to bring out the the grim warning that should Scrooge fail to make change and keep to those changes then his after life was set to be one of walking the earth like Jacob Marley in never ending torment

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13y ago

To help learn the spirit of Christmas to cherish and uphold human values of mercy,charity,benevolence,loving and caring for others as a moral story.

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14y ago

the three ghost take scrooge to his past,future,and present you must read the book to figure out who they are.

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9y ago

To bring to Scrooges attention the positives of his past, to allow him to see himself as he was and how he has changed but also to make him see that change happening

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Q: What were the purpose of the ghosts in the play Scrooge- Charles Dickens?
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Charles Dickens did not play the character Scrooge. He was the author who created the character Ebenezer Scrooge in the novel "A Christmas Carol." Scrooge is a key character in the story who undergoes a transformation through encounters with ghosts.

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"Christmas Carol" was written by Charles Dickens and was first published on December 19, 1843. It is a beloved classic story that follows the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man, through visits from the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come.

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