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The initial reaction was shock and disbelief, as Ezeudu was a respected elder in the community. People were taken aback by the severity of the decision and the potential consequences of going against such a prominent figure in the village. The news caused a stir and led to discussions about the reasons behind the decision and what it meant for Umofia's future.

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Q: What was the initial react to Ezeudu's statement Umofia has decided to kill him?
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What proverb does okonkwo no longer believes?

okonkwo basically don't want to turn out like his father which is a lazy person and owed everyone in the village money but before he died unoka (okonkwo's father) tells okonkwo that its OK to fail which makes okonkwo act all hard and wouldn't show any affection for that is a sign of weakness, so his oldest son nwoye(he's only 12)which okonkwo sees some laziness in him and start beating him up so he could become a better person-strong,manly guy,later on the village gives a virgin girl and a boy to stop umofia(they're city) to go to war with its next door city's.the boy stays with okonkwo(his name is ikemefuna) no one knew it would be as long as 3 years,then the village decided that ikemefuna must be killed because he end up calling okonkwo father,which later on becomes a problem,so this old guy (the oldest guy in the village) came to okonkwo's house and told him that he must be the sacrifice and he also told okonkwo he doesnt need to be part of this so he goes with them and the man with him were about to kill ikemefuna when he runs to okonkwo and tells him what the man were trying to do so he takes his knife and kills him so he wont look weak in front of the others. all this story is about that okonkwo wants to make everyone thinks hes strong and no weak like his father,this is all I've read it,there is still parts to it,if your really intersted in reading it go and get it or you can go to the sparknotes-you put things fall apart sparknotes and your there,it will give you everything that happend there in great detail,if your the kind of person that likes to know what excatly happens in a book,since most people don't do. but i don't think you should let any one annoys you by letting them get the best of you,believe it or not,im known as to be the meaniest girl in school,but i still enjoy books even though somebody get on my never-i give great advices that i cant follow but you! XD