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Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" exposed the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry, leading to public outcry and ultimately to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906. This helped to improve food safety regulations in the United States.

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Q: What was the effect of Upton's Sinclair's book the jungle?
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Which book revealed shocking secrets about the meat packing industry?

PETA aka People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

In 1906 Upton Sinclairs novel entitled The Jungle exposed dangerous workplace conditions?

Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" was a revolutionary book. In it, Sinclair talked about the horrendous conditions for workers, and of the food, in a meatpacking plant. It is because of this book that the US has food safety standards and OSHA monitored workplaces.

What law was created as a result in the muckracker upton sinclairs books on conditions in Chicago?

Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle resulted in the creation of the 1906 Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act.

Where can I find out more about jungle effect?

The jungle effect is described in detail in Dr. Daphne Miller's book "The Jungle Effect". You can download an excerpt provided by the author at The book is available as a paperback on

What were Upton Sinclairs interests?

upton sicnclair was the author of the book the jungle. it was about how aweful the meat packing industry was. he was a reformer in the late 1800's and his main intrest was the meat packing industry. he unwravled many truths about it and after reading his book theodor roosavelt became a veggitarian

When was The Jungle Book created?

The Jungle Book was created in 1894.

Kim in The Jungle Book?

There is no Kim in The Jungle Book. Kim is another book by the same author of The Jungle Book.

What are Mowgli stories?

Mowgli is the central character in "The Jungle Book" and "The Second Jungle Book". Both books are collections of stories about Mowgli and his adventures, written by Rudyard Kipling.

Where is the jungle in The Jungle Book?

in India

Who made the book The Jungle?

Upton Sinclair made the book The Jungle.

Does the Jungle book have a nickname?

No. None of the versions of the Jungle Book have a nickname

What was the name of the old Jungle Book movie?

Disney's animated The Jungle Book [1967] There was also The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story [1998]