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Tom Robinson's death was suspicious because he allegedly tried to escape from prison and was shot dead by the guards. Given Tom's physical limitations and the circumstances of his case, it seemed unlikely that he would attempt such a risky escape. Many characters in the novel, including Scout and Atticus, questioned the official version of events surrounding Tom's death.

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Q: What was suspicious about toms death in To Kill a Mockingbird?
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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Tom Robinson's wife is not explicitly mentioned reacting to his death since the focus is primarily on the trial and its aftermath. Tom's death is revealed to Scout through Aunt Alexandra who got the news from Atticus. It can be inferred that Tom's wife would have been devastated by his death as he was wrongly convicted and killed while trying to escape prison.

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In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Maycomb reacts to Tom Robinson's death with mixed emotions. Some residents are saddened and angered by the injustice of his death, while others dismiss it as inevitable due to the racial prejudices of the town. Overall, his death serves as a stark reminder of the racism and discrimination that exist in Maycomb.

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The defense attorney in To Kill a Mockingbird was Atticus Finch, who defended Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. Atticus represents justice, morality, and integrity throughout the novel.

How did toms wife react to the death of tom?

she was really upset

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The conflict between Tom Robinson and the Ewells in "To Kill a Mockingbird" highlights the racial tensions and injustices prevalent in the town. Tom is unjustly accused of a crime he did not commit, showcasing the deep-seated racism and prejudice against African Americans in the community. The conflict ultimately leads to Tom's wrongful conviction and tragic demise, underscoring the inequality and discrimination faced by marginalized groups in society.

Was tom robinsons right or left arm injured in To Kill a Mockingbird?

He got it stuck in a cotton gin. And all of his muscles were strained, and couldn't move his left arm at all. It was completely paralyzed.

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roaska and sammy

To Kill a Mockingbird according to toms story when did he bust up the chiffarobe?

Tom Robinson testified in court that he did not break up the chiffarobe; Mayella Ewell had asked him to do so a year before the alleged assault.

Do turkeys kill other turkeys?

A tom can kill a hen by slicing her sides open during mating with his spurs. Toms will fight and once in awhile kill each other, but NOT often.

What does a toms flag represent?

toms are shoes so the toms flag represents toms company

How can you be influenced after reading To Kill a Mockingbird?

ur influenced because u are taught not to be prejudice ( scouts beliefs of boo radley) and that racism is a problem that can easily be resolved . toms death was do to racism cuz he was automatically assumed guilty just because he was coloured. scout thought boo radley was a crazy heartless sinister oldman who hid from the world and stayed in his house cuz he was weird however at the end of the boo when he saves her and jem so realizes her not nearly as bad or crazy as she assumed he was