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Elie Wiesel's message in the book "Night" is a powerful reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust and the importance of remembering and bearing witness to such atrocities. It emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit in the face of extreme suffering and the need to actively work towards preventing similar injustices in the future.

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Q: What was elies message towards the book Night?
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The word "night" is repeated in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel to emphasize the theme of darkness and suffering, as the story describes the horrors and challenges faced by the author during the Holocaust. The repetition of the word underscores the pervasive sense of despair and the long, harrowing nights experienced by the characters in the book.

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The last words of the young man from Warsaw who was hanged for stealing in "Night" were, "Long live liberty! My curse on Germany! My curse! My—!"

In the book night what are elies fathers last words?

Elie Wiesel's father's last words were "Eliezer, I'm getting cold."

Who was the frenzy-prone Kapo who beat Wiesel in the warehouse in the book Night by elie wiesel?

Idek was the Kapo who beat Elie Wiesel in the warehouse in the book Night. Idel was known for his violent outbursts and unpredictable behavior towards the prisoners.

Who was franek in the book of night?

Franek was a fellow inmate at the concentration camp in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel. He was known for his manipulative and selfish behavior, especially towards Elie's father. Franek forced Elie to give up his gold tooth in exchange for not beating his father.

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the message of this book is one must always learn more to survive.

When was Night - book - created?

Night - book - was created in 1960.

Does Elie Wiesel's dad die during the book?

Yes, Elie Wiesel's father dies towards the end of the book "Night." He succumbs to exhaustion, illness, and the harsh treatment endured during the Holocaust.

Where is the book Night set?

The book Night is set in Nazi Germany.