Tell them you like talking to them and check out their response.
some feel she is a witch, but many are thankful that she could save Lucas.
You can start out with a simple, "thank you". Make him feel appreciated that your presence makes him feel this way.
We feel God in are hearts
I do not
If your talking about Para-normal, you could be partially insane.
You could politely tell him how you feel and if he doesn't like that then you will have to decide what is best for you.
The plural of presence is presences. As in "the psychic can feel some presences.
What kind of presence? There are no such thing as ghosts peoples!
The only song I could think of is Phil Collins feel it coming in the air tonight but I am not sure if this is what you are talking about :) .
Do it mean he mad at you or he don't feel like talking to you
They feel that they are in the presence of god.