He, and his partner Marley before he died, were moneylenders, with Bob Cratchit as the clerk.
We are not told in so many words. He must have been a merchant of some sorts.
He must have been a merchant. Yes, He started with very little. From a sign on his building it said "Importer of fine goods and china." Many a wealthy started as importers back then. So he was an importer and then got into money loaning. He probably partnered with Marley as an importer, but loaning money was less risky and with higher returns and they were getting to old for traveling. He no doubt got into real estate because of his prepossessing when people did not pay the debt.
He was a cheap so he let his home go. That is why it looked so bad.
Scrooge was a moneylender and a wealthy businessman in "A Christmas Carol." He owned a counting house and was known for his greed and miserly ways.
He was Scrooges clerk
Ebenezer Scrooges house keeper on 2 shillings a week
His nephew
Ebenezer Scrooges
Bah, Humbug!
He was a trader and money lender
Scrooges house keeper
Her name was Fan
he is scrooges nephew. he loves Christmas but his uncle hates it.
Fred is Scrooges nephew