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The War of the Worlds is a Science Fiction novel written by H.G. Wells in 1898. The story is about the adventures of two brothers in London and the countryside around London as Earth is invaded by Martians.

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"The War of the Worlds" is a science fiction novel written by H.G. Wells. It explores the idea of an alien invasion of Earth and its impact on human society.

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What is the author of the book The War of the Worlds?

"The War of the Worlds" is a science-fiction novel by H.G. Wells .

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The script for "War of the Worlds" was written by H.G. Wells, who also wrote the original novel of the same name. The novel was published in 1898, and it has been adapted into various film, radio, and television versions since then.

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Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds was created in 1978. It is a concept album based on H.G. Wells's science fiction novel "The War of the Worlds."

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The woman in the novel "War of the Worlds" is named Carrie. She is one of the few characters who help the protagonist, the narrator, during the invasion of Earth by Martians.

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What verb tense does H. G. Wells use in the novel The War of the Worlds?

(Apex Learning) Past.

What's one way Orson Welles's radio broadcast War of the Worlds is different from H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds?

(Apex Learning) The radio version is told in the present tense as if events are happening in the moment, while the novel is told in the past tense.

Is War of the Worlds serialized?

"War of the Worlds" is a serialized novel by H.G. Wells, originally published in 1897. The story is divided into two parts and follows a continuous narrative rather than being episodic.

How were the aliens defeated in the War of the Worlds?

In H.G. Wells' novel "The War of the Worlds," the aliens were ultimately defeated by Earth's bacteria and viruses, to which they had no immunity. The microscopic organisms proved to be deadly to the aliens, despite their advanced technology and weaponry.

how do the time periods between the original novel and radio versions of the war of the worlds?

The radio version was set on the day it was broadcast in the 1930s, while the novel was set in the late 1800