Two 19th-century prison systems include the Auburn system (also known as the "silent system" or "Congregate System") and the Pennsylvania system (also known as the "separate system" or "solitary confinement"). The Auburn system emphasized congregate work during the day while the Pennsylvania system focused on isolating inmates in individual cells at all times. These approaches were developed to instill discipline and foster rehabilitation through different means of controlling and monitoring prisoners.
Pennsylvania system and Eastern Penitentiary
Pennsylvania system and Eastern Penitentiary
Pennsylvania system and Eastern Penitentiary
The two greatest domestic issues for the US in the nineteenth century were slavery and the US Civil War. Both issues were connected.
Hawaii's tobacco industry grew in the late nineteenth century. This and the American desire for more tobacco strengthened ties between the two.
Mirabeau Olympe De Gouge
Electric trolley, skyscraper
economic competitiveness and capacity
Federalists and anti Federalists.
Two of the root causes of WW I were nationalism and imperialism. Theses were both issues that were being dealt with and that had started in the mid to late nineteenth century.