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Seeing Bob in the yearbook triggered Ponyboy's memories of the violent altercation between Bob and Johnny that ultimately led to Johnny killing Bob in self-defense. It made Ponyboy reflect on the underlying tensions that existed between the Socs and the Greasers, and the tragic consequences that stemmed from those tensions.

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Q: What thoughts were triggered in Ponyboy's mind when he saw bob in the yearbook?
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What thoughts triggered in ponyboys mind when he sees bob in the yearbook?

When Ponyboy sees Bob's picture in the yearbook, he remembers the stuff Randy said to him about Bob having a nicer side to him, a side that Ponyboy hadn't seen and didn't kno about, and about Bob's parents thinking Bob was murdered because of them because they didn't treat him well enough.

What thoughts are triggered in pony's mind when he sees Bob in the yearbook?

When Ponyboy sees Bob's picture in the yearbook, he remembers the stuff Randy said to him about Bob having a nicer side to him, a side that Ponyboy hadn't seen and didn't kno about, and about Bob's parents thinking Bob was murdered because of them because they didn't treat him well enough.

What thoughts are triggered in the Pony boy's mind when he sees bob in the yearbook?

When Ponyboy sees Bob's picture in the yearbook, he remembers the stuff Randy said to him about Bob having a nicer side to him, a side that Ponyboy hadn't seen and didn't kno about, and about Bob's parents thinking Bob was murdered because of them because they didn't treat him well enough.

What thoughts are triggered in Pony boys mind when he sees Bob in the yearbook?

When Ponyboy sees Bob's picture in the yearbook, he remembers the stuff Randy said to him about Bob having a nicer side to him, a side that Ponyboy hadn't seen and didn't kno about, and about Bob's parents thinking Bob was murdered because of them because they didn't treat him well enough.

What do thing in your mind?


When was Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind created?

Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind was created on 1994-09-13.

What does you were on my mind mean?

"You were on my mind" means that someone was thinking about you or had you in their thoughts. It suggests that you were occupying their thoughts or emotions.

What is the HUMAN mind made of?

Thoughts :)

What were Sigmund Freud's three distinct aspects of thoughts and feelings?

Sigmund Freud identified three distinct aspects of thoughts and feelings: the conscious mind, which contains thoughts and feelings we are currently aware of; the preconscious mind, which holds thoughts and feelings that are easily brought to awareness; and the unconscious mind, which houses thoughts and feelings that are hidden from conscious awareness but still influence behavior.

How can I delete negative thoughts from my mind?

There are two ways to delete negative thoughts from the mind. The first and the best way is to plant positive thoughts...plant positive thoughts by replacing negative emotions with positive emotions, like hate with love, revenge with forgiveness, fear with courage - you replace negative emotions by positive emotions. And the other way of deleting negative thoughts from the mind is to watch the mind, observe the mind, become conscious that you are not the mind, realize that the mind is a monkey, it's a rascal, it's an enemy. When you realize that the mind is your enemy, then you will fight the mind with the intellect. Whenever it produces a negative thought, you will use the intellect to shoot down the negative thought. This way you will be able to overcome the negative mind.

Which of them is correct In your mind or On your mind?

"In your mind" is correct. It means that something is present in your thoughts or is being considered by you. "On your mind" is less commonly used in this context.

Are emotions caused be events or thoughts?

Emotions can be triggered by both events and thoughts. Events such as receiving a gift or hearing upsetting news can directly elicit emotions. Meanwhile, thoughts or interpretations of events can also influence emotions by shaping how we perceive and respond to situations.