The point of view in "The Big Wave" by Pearl S. Buck is third-person limited, focusing primarily on the experiences and thoughts of the protagonist, a young boy named Jiya. This perspective allows readers to get to know Jiya deeply while also providing insight into the larger events and themes of the story.
Amplitude is a measure of how big a wave is –a measure of how far a wave rises above its resting point. Imagine it as the "height" of a wave. The larger the amplitude, the taller the wave is.
from an ethical point of view big business is always a bad business.discuss the pros and cons of this statements.
My point of view... if the photos are for the couple's use and enjoyment they can be a big turn on and very exciting.
The big stream wave is bigger than a small stream wave.
The "high point" in a wave is called the crest. It is the point on the wave where the amplitude is at its maximum, representing the highest point of the wave above the rest position.
Bright Lights, Big City
Toads are small to YOU, of course...but from an ant's point of view, the toads very big....BAYLEE, 11
The distance between one point of a wave to the same point on the next wave is called the wavelength.
The Big Wave was created in 1948.
The lowest point on a wave is called the trough. It is the point on the wave where the displacement of the medium is at its minimum and the wave energy is at its lowest.
I say, yes waves can be concentrated. In sound waves, a compression and a rarefaction constitutes a wave. So, compression is nothing but a compressed form of wave. therefore, waves can be concentrated. its my point of view......
The high point of a wave is called the crest. It is the topmost point of the wave where the amplitude is at its maximum height.