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Macbeth is accused of treason and regicide by Macduff. Macduff confronts Macbeth for killing King Duncan, breaking the divine right of kings, and usurping the throne.

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Q: What the exact crime does Macbeth accused of by macduff?
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What revenge can Macduff not get on Macbeth?

The massacre of an entire household is the revenge that Macduff cannot get on Macbeth.Specifically, Macbeth orders the murder of all inhabitants of Macduff's castle. Macduff suspects that Macbeth's actions are headed in that direction. So he escapes death by fleeing across the border between Scotland and England. He leaves behind his possessions and household, including his wife and family. In England, Macduff learns that there are no Macduff survivors other than himself in the aftermath of Macbeth's raid.Ultimately, Macduff fights and kills his sovereign. But Macbeth's Lady already dies at her own hands, Macbeth appears to have no descendants, and Macbeth's supporters desert to the combined armies of the invading English and disgruntled Scots.

What is the date of lady macduff's death?

Lady Macduff is killed offstage in Act 4, Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." The exact date of her death is not specified in the text.

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im on this same exact question In social studies, any help people??

What opinion of Macbeth do the scottish lords now hold?

The Scottish Lords now consider Macbeth to be a tyrant, who is only concerned about his own self interest. As a result, they turn against him and await the return of Malcom, Macduff and the English troops they bring to exact revenge on him.

Who discovers duncan has been murdered?

Duncan was the King of England, and was the lover of Macbeth. He was murdered, because in order for Macbeth to fulfill his plan and become king, Duncan would have to die. Duncan's fatal flaw was that he was too trusting. For example, he thought that none of his friends could really be enemies. If Duncan was more careful about his safety at Macbeth's castle, he may have had a chance to survive. But Duncan's flaw, wasn't something so horrible that he should die. Most people need to trust each other more, and just because one person did, he shouldn't have to die. Macbeth, possibly encouraged by the weakened position of Duncan, formed an alliance with their first cousin Thorfinn, earl of Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland under the King of Norway started a revolt. The rival armies met and Duncan was defeated and killed on August 1, 1040 near Elgin in Moray. There is some dispute as to the exact nature of Duncan's death, some texts say he died in battle and others say he was killed shortly after the battle by Macbeth.

What reason does Macbeth give for killing Duncan's guards?

That he can frame them for murdering King Duncan is the reason that Macbeth gives himself for killing King Duncan's guards. That he is overcome with grief over his sovereign's murder is the reason that Macbeth gives to the king's escort.Specifically, Macbeth kills Duncan - his guest, relative and ruler - in Act II Scene II of the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. He also kills the royal guards, in order to charge them with the crime and prevent them from defending themselves. His explanation when the king's escort comes for him in the morning is the need to exact his own form of justice on those who disrespect Duncan as their king and Macbeth as their host.

Is believed to have died on his 52 birthday Macbeth?

There is no historical evidence to suggest that Macbeth died on his 52nd birthday. Macbeth was a Scottish king who ruled from 1040 to 1057, but the exact date of his death is not known. It is likely that he died in 1057 during battle.

How many times was king duncan stabbed?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," King Duncan was stabbed multiple times by Macbeth in his sleep. The exact number of stab wounds is not specified in the text.

What takes place at fife of Macbeth?

In 'Macbeth,' prior to the war, Macbeth is given prophecies which he considers make him pretty much invincible. However, the prophecies have hidden meaning. For example, he is told that he will have trouble only if Birnam Woods come to him. Macbeth feels its impossible for the woods to come after him. However, the oncoming soldiers take branches from the wood to use as camouflage. He is also told that no man born of woman can kill him. Again, he thinks all men are born of women, so he's invincible. However, right before Macduff cuts off Macbeth's head, he tells him he was basically ripped from his mother's body by Caesarian section.

What predictions do the witches make about Macbeth and Bonquo?

The three witches in Macbeth tell Macbeth and banquo that Macbeth will be king of the land. Banquo asks what is in store for him , and the witches reply , that his sons will inherit the throne. In later story Macbeth Kills banquo so it is his sons that are heir to the throne.

What predictions did the witches give to Macbeth?

In the Shakespearean play, the witches made two sets of promises to Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. The first set was an implied promise of glorious job changes. In Act 1 Scene 3, the witches implied that Macbeth would become the Thane of Cawdor and the King of Scotland. These were implied promises, because they greeted him with these two titles. There was an implicit promise that he would occupy each of those positions. The second set of promises was made in Act 4 Scene 1. Macbeth sought the witches to get an exact idea of what he needed to consolidate his kingship in the aftermath of killing King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] and becoming the King of Scotland. In this second visit, the witches in essence promised Macbeth security in his reign. They promised him that he only had to beware of Macduff. Likewise did they promise him that he needed to worry only about Birnam Wood moving to Dunsinane Castle and to fear only a man not born of woman. But the witches didn't connect the three baleful events. Specifically, they didn't identify Macduff as the man not born of woman. Macbeth was left trying to sort out fantastical interpretations of the dangerous mystery man. He wasn't told, or helped to find, the answer in Macduff's being delivered, not born, by Caesarian section from a dead mother who therefore was no longer a living, breathing woman but a corpse.

What was the nickname that people used for 'Macbeth' to avoid the curse?

The Shakespearean play 'Macbeth' has been considered cursed. It even has been considered cursed to mention the play by the exact title. To avoid the curse that the title carried, the play was called The Scottish Play.