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Scout tells Calpurnia's account of Atticus allowing her to visit her church to get away from the white community for a while. This creates an argument between Atticus and Alexandra because Atticus believes that Calpurnia deserves his trust and autonomy in raising the children in a way that's best for them, while Alexandra feels that Calpurnia is overstepping her boundaries by taking the children to her church.

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Q: What story about Calpurnia does Scout tell which creates an argument between Atticus and Alexandra?
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What did you learn about Aunt Alexandra after Calpurnia left with Atticus?

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Calpurnia asks Atticus if she can marry Scout in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She wants to be a female figure in Scout's life and provide her with guidance and support, especially as she grows older. Atticus declines, but we see the strong bond between Calpurnia and Scout throughout the novel.

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Calpurnia is the Finch family's housekeeper in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She plays a significant role in the children's lives, providing them with guidance and discipline, especially in the absence of their mother. Calpurnia also serves as a bridge between the Finch family and the African American community in Maycomb.

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In To Kill a Mockingbird, the Finch family's Black cook is named Calpurnia. She is a motherly figure to Scout and Jem and plays a significant role in their upbringing. Calpurnia also serves as a bridge between the Finch family and the African American community in Maycomb.