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The people of Laputa are characterized as being overly focused on abstract theories and knowledge, neglecting practical skills and social interactions. They are often depicted as eccentric, detached from reality, and lacking in common sense. Their obsession with intellectual pursuits leads to them being ineffective in daily life and socially awkward.

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How does gulliver describe laputa and its people what does swift satire through it?

Gulliver describes Laputa as a floating island inhabited by scholars who are obsessed with abstract theories and lack practical knowledge. Swift satirizes the people of Laputa by emphasizing their intellectual arrogance and detachment from the real world, highlighting the absurdity of valuing theoretical knowledge over practical application.

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Laputa - 2012 was released on: USA: 20 November 2012 (internet)

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The cast of Laputa - 1987 includes: Sami Frey as Paul Krystyna Janda as Malgorzata

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Is Laputa characterized as in Gulliver's Travels as mathematics?

No, Laputa in "Gulliver's Travels" is a flying island inhabited by people who are obsessed with theoretical science and abstract mathematics rather than mathematics itself. The Laputians engage in impractical and nonsensical mathematical pursuits, emphasizing their detachment from reality.

What is the description of laputa?

Laputa is a fictional flying island in Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels." It is inhabited by intellectuals who are focused on abstract theories, mathematics, and music, while neglecting practical matters. Laputa is known for its technological advancements and its rulers' detachment from the world below.