A gold coin, or doubloon. He nails it to the mast. Ahab is the one to actually see Moby-Dick first, so he claims the doubloon for himself.
Captain Ahab offers a doubloon—a valuable gold coin—to the first man who spots the white whale, Moby Dick. This serves as an incentive to motivate the crew in their pursuit of the elusive whale.
Moby Dick is a sperm whale, also called a "parmacetty" or spermaceti whale. He is called "white" but, contrary to popular belief, was not entirely white or albino. He had a white head and hump, plus scars on his body that appeared white. He is first named in Chapter 36 of the book.
Toothed whale.
toothed whale you idot
White Whale Records was created in 1965.
White Whale Records ended in 1971.
Great White Whale was created in 2008.
In "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville, Captain Boomer receives the gold doubloon from Captain Ahab as a symbol of a reward for any crew member who first spots the white whale, Moby Dick.
A dolphin is also known as a porpoise. A white whale is usually a Beluga whale.
Nemo was the sailor who battled the great white whale.
The white whale of MU
Yes a squid can get eaten by a whale because a white shark eat squid and an orca whale is bigger then a white shark.