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This question needs to be more specific. Throughout the book until (*SPOILER*) Clarisse dies, she asks Montag many thought provoking questions. In the first scene with her, she asks him if he is happy, which causes him to reconsider his relationship with Mildred. When they next meet, Clarisse asks him if he thinks people who race down the roads see the grass as a green blob, or flowers as pink blobs etc., which makes Montag think more generally about the world around him. Finally, these last few quips aren't exactly questions, but they are sufficient. Clarisse shows Montag the world. She is the first person to get to him, really exposing him to all of the simple, marvelous yet neglected opportunities there are. She tastes rain, which he does later in an attempt of exploration. She rubs a dandelion on his chin, which he has never heard of before or done. So, there isn't a clear-cut right answer to this question, but is does give rise to a host of different, equally good ones.

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5mo ago

Clarisse asked Montag if he was happy, which deeply disturbed him as he realized he wasn't truly happy. This question eventually led Montag to question the society he lived in and his own beliefs.

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12y ago

She though that firemen were supposed to prevent fires instead of starting them.

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12y ago

Clarrisee isn't afraid to ask questions. She says what's on her mind even if it sounds stupid. She made Montag question everything that he knew. He eventually thought of her as a daughter.

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God Bless America

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14y ago

Clarisse asked Montag if he was happy.

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Q: What question did Clarisse ask Montag that disturbed him?
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It is on page 10 It depends what edition you have. The 60th Anniversary Edition of the book is the newest one. In this book the quote is found on page 7 at the very last paragraph.


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How did you ask that question when you did not ask that question but she ask that question did she not?

She told you to ask the question. Well, you didn't ask the question so she asked the question. But it's your fault if you don't know for sure if she asked the question.

How do you ask a question on your phone?

You can ask a question on your phone by simply going to the site in which you want to ask a question and then you click on the ask question button and then you post your question.

What does montag ask Faber for in chapter 3?

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Why do you have to ask a question?

you don't have to ask a question

How do you ask questions on a phone?

You can ask a question on your phone by simply going to the site in which you want to ask a question and then you click on the ask question button and then you post your question.