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Tom Buchanan says Daisy loved him when she married him and she loves him now on page 135 of "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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Q: What page number did tom say Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now?
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You were being used. If he really loved you then why would he be with his wife. Why in the world would you want a man who is cheating on his wife anyways, once a cheater always a cheater. You would be better off moving on and find someone who really loves you and isn't just blowing smoke.

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What do you do when the person you love and you were both together once is marrying someone else?

Find someone who truly loves you and marry that person. If the person you once loved and loved you back is getting married, then that person does not truly love you because that person would have married you and not that other person. He/she would've stayed with you instead.

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Does iggy koopa loves peach?

No but he kind of likes daisy