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Jane grows restless because of her intense feelings for Mr. Rochester and their complicated relationship, as well as the secrecy and mysteries surrounding Thornfield Hall. She also feels a lack of personal fulfillment and a desire for independence and adventure.

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Q: What makes Jane grow restless with her life at thornfield in Jane Eyre?
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Governess. Jane Eyre is a governess at Thornfield Hall in Charlotte Bronte's novel "Jane Eyre".

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Mr. Edward Rochester was the owner of Thornfield Hall in the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.

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Jane Eyre first met Mr. Rochester when she became the governess for his ward, Adele, at Thornfield Hall.

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Jane Eyre's master, and owner of Thornfield, Mr. Rochester (35)

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Rita is the character in Jane Eyre to whom Jane writes to in the beginning of the novel. She is Jane's friend from Lowood school who becomes a governess for a family in Ireland. Jane writes to update her about her life at Thornfield Hall.

Did Mrs Fairfax dislike Jane Eyre?

Mrs.Fairfax didn't dislike Jane Eyre. Mrs.Fairfax was very happy that Jane was going to live with her at Thornfield as she was all alone in that lonely house until Jane came as a governess. Mrs.Fairfax was more like a grandmother for Jane who took care of her.