"Gulliver's Travels" is a satirical novel written by Jonathan Swift. The book follows the adventures of Lemuel Gulliver as he travels to various imaginary lands, each with a different social or political system that Swift uses to critique human nature and society. It is considered a classic work of English literature.
Gullivers travel
The main villain in Gullivers travel's is Skyresh Bolgolam because he hated Gulliver from the first day he arrived in Lilliput
gullivers travels
Yahoos are people that represent man at his most base nature.
Gullivers Travels
It's D. Juvenalian
i think gullivers travels
Gullivers travels
Jonathan Swift wrote Gullivers Travels as a satire on culture and the travelers' tales that were popular at the time.
Before you plan your trip its important that you book your tour with a recognized travel agency so that tour doesn't have any kind of confusions and tensions.
In Lilliput, the people are tiny, about six inches tall, and are known for their pompous and bureaucratic nature. They are obsessed with trivial matters and have a strict social hierarchy based on which end of an egg is broken first.