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she ugly as fu

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Mrs. Dubose suffers from an addiction to morphine, which causes her to behave erratically and struggle with withdrawal symptoms. Despite her challenges, she displays bravery and determination in overcoming her addiction before she passes away.

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Q: What is wrong with mrs dubose?
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What did Atticus say to Mrs Dubose as he approached her on her porch?

Atticus said to Mrs. Dubose, "I missed you today."

Why was Jem angry with Mrs Dubose?

because mrs. dubose said that atticus "lawed for n word"

What does Mrs. Dubose say that pushes Jem over the edge What does he do to retaliate Why does Atticus defend Mrs. Dubose?

Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus and calls him names for defending Tom Robinson. Jem responds by destroying Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes. Atticus defends Mrs. Dubose because he believes in showing compassion and understanding towards others, even those who may hold different views or attitudes.

Mrs dubose was addicted to?


Why does Jen destroy mrs dubose garden?

Jen destroys Mrs. Dubose's garden out of frustration and anger towards her strict and critical ways. Jen feels stifled by Mrs. Dubose's expectations and boundaries, leading her to act out destructively.

What does atticus say about the flowers mrs dubose has in her yard?

Atticus describes the camellias in Mrs. Dubose's yard as "the beginnings of a smile" which symbolizes the hope and recovery she is striving for in overcoming her addiction. He recognizes their beauty despite the negativity surrounding Mrs. Dubose.

What is Mrs Dubose battling?

Mrs. Dubose is battling a morphine addiction. She is trying to overcome her addiction in order to die free of it.

Which flowers does Jem attack?

Jem attacks Mrs. Dubose's camellias in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." He destroys the flowers after Mrs. Dubose insults his father, Atticus. Jem later learns the reason behind Mrs. Dubose's behavior and the significance of his actions.

What commitment did Jem make to atone for the destruction of mrs Dubose's property?

Jem committed to reading to Mrs. Dubose every day for a month as a way to atone for destroying her camellia bushes. This task was challenging as Mrs. Dubose was ill and had a difficult temperament, but Jem persevered to fulfill his commitment.

What does Atticus say about Mrs. Dubose's present to Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose wanted to give him something to remember her by, which shows her attempt to make amends for her past behavior before she passed away. The gift of the single camellia flower symbolizes Mrs. Dubose's final act of kindness and courage.

What is the first punishment that Mrs. Dubose doles out to the children?

Mrs. Dubose initially punishes the children for walking through her garden by making them read to her for a month.

Who said don't say hi to me you ugly girl in to kill a mockingbird?

This line was said by Mrs. Dubose to Scout Finch in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Mrs. Dubose was an elderly woman known for her harsh and racist remarks.