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A.) A witch is a person who knows and uses magic B.) W.i.t.c.h is a cartoon show that currently has 2 seasons. The season 1 episodes are... # It Begins # It Resumes # The Key # Happy Birthday, Will # A Service to the Community # The Labyrinth # Divide and Conquer # Ambush at Torus Filney # Return of the Tracker # Framed # The Stone of Threbe # The Princess Revealed # Stop the Presses # Parents Night # The Mudslugs # Ghosts of Elyon # The Mogriffs # Walk This Way # The Underwater Mines # The Seal of Phobos # Escape From Cavigor # Caleb's Challenge # The Battle of Meridian Plains # The Rebel Rescue # The Stolen Heart # The Final Battle

...season 2 goes by the alphabet, (ex. a is for...), and all the episodes can be found at... ---- ----

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5mo ago

A witch is typically a person, often female, who practices witchcraft or magic. In folklore and mythology, witches are often portrayed as using their powers for good or evil purposes. Throughout history, witchcraft has been associated with various cultural beliefs and practices.

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