It's about these four girls who go on an adventure to the magical land of SPOZ and it's kinda like the Wizard of Oz, just a little different. If you haven't read it, I would so suggest it, it's the best book ever! :) Luv, Aimee Klayes
The ISBN of The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls is 0060569468.
The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls has 464 pages.
The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls was created on 2006-09-26.
We don't know yet. There has to be a movie made of it before the author can start working on the next book. To be a movie, more people have to buy the book. But the next book's going to be about Pru! Hurray for Gumm Street Girls!
Virginia Gumm's birth name is Dorothy Virginia Gumm.
The cast of The Wedding of Jack and Jill - 1930 includes: Judy Garland as Frances Gumm Virginia Gumm as Virginia Gumm Mary Jane Gumm as Mary Jane Gumm Peggy Ryan as Jill The Three Gumm Sisters as The Gumm Sisters
Virginia Gumm went by Jimmie.
John and Eva Milne on her mother's side and William Techumseh and Clemmie Gumm on her father's side.
The cast of Bubbles - 1930 includes: Judy Garland as Herself - member: The Three Gumm Sisters Virginia Gumm as Herself - member: The Three Gumm Sisters Mary Jane Gumm as Herself - member: The Three Gumm Sisters Marjorie Kane as Mother in Checkered Dress The Three Gumm Sisters as Themselves The Vitaphone Kiddies as Themselves
Colin Gumm goes by Bubbles, and Sister Colleen.
She was known as Judy Garland. Frances Gumm was her birth name.
Judy Garland