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3mo ago

The rising action of "A White Heron" involves Sylvia's internal conflict as she struggles with the decision to help the hunter find the rare bird. The falling action occurs when she chooses to protect the heron and its habitat, leading to a climax where she chooses nature over the desires of the hunter.

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Q: What is the rising and falling action for the short story a white heron?
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D.It's not as exciting or detailed as the rising action and climax

Why is the falling action generally a short section?

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What is the buildup of the conflict in a short story?

Rising action

Why is the action generally a short section?

D.It's not as exciting or detailed as the rising action and climax

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The build up of conflict in a short story is called the rising action. This is where the tension and complications in the plot increase, leading to the climax of the story.

What was the falling action of the short story the sniper?

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