The rising action in the book "Holes" includes Stanley Yelnats's wrongful conviction, his arrival at Camp Green Lake, his interactions with the other campers, and his digging of holes day after day. These events build tension and lead to the unfolding of the mystery surrounding the cursed history of the Yelnats family and the significance of digging holes at the camp.
the rising action of this lottery ticket is the rising of the action...
what is the rising action and falling action of pocahontes
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No, climax is what the rising action leads up to.
rising action of death of a salesman
The rising action is before the climax. There the tension rises.
rising action is when the story is about to get good in other words the part before the action or non-action
rising action in a literary sense is the action leading up to the climax.
Yes, falling action occurs after the rising action in a typical plot structure. Rising action builds tension and develops the story, leading to the climax, while falling action follows the climax and shows the aftermath of the main conflict being resolved.
In the highly artificial schema from which the term 'rising action' is drawn, Act II of the play is always the rising action.
Rising action and falling action
the rising action is what takes you to the climax of the story and the falling actions is what is after the climax.