In the short story "Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers, the rising action involves the main character, Greg, encountering Lemon Brown, an old man who is protecting his prized possessions in an abandoned building. As Greg learns more about Lemon Brown's past and the significance of his treasures, he also faces a group of thugs who threaten Lemon Brown. This conflict builds tension and leads to the climax of the story.
The rising action in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers occurs when the protagonist, Greg, discovers Lemon Brown's treasure in an abandoned building. As he learns more about Lemon Brown's past and the significance of the items in the treasure, tensions rise as Greg faces a threat from a group of boys seeking the treasure for themselves.
In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown," the falling action occurs when Greg returns home and reflects on Lemon Brown's life story while his father expresses pride in his son's actions. The resolution shows Greg's changed perspective on the importance of family and the true treasures in life.
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In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown," the falling action occurs when Greg and his father reconcile after a misunderstanding, showing a newfound understanding and appreciation for each other. Lemon Brown's son's harmonica becomes a symbol of love and connection between family members.
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Lemon Brown and Greg Ridley
Yes, Lemon Brown is portrayed as playing the harmonica in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown." His harmonica playing is a key aspect of his character and serves as a symbolic representation of his past and his emotions.