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because of his father

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Scout and Jem are taunted because their father, Atticus, defends a black man in a racially charged trial. The community's prejudice leads to bullying and mistreatment of the children.

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Q: What is the reason the community and other children sat mean things to Scout and Jem?
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How can you help your community for being a Boy Scout?

you can do good things and help the community, so being a boy scout you can learn how

Two children taunt Scout in similar ways who are they and for what reason do they taunt scout?

The two children who taunt Scout are Cecil Jacobs and Francis Hancock. Cecil taunts her for her father defending Tom Robinson, while Francis taunts her about Atticus defending Negroes and calls him a "n****r-lover".

Why did cecil annoy Scout?

Cecil annoyed Scout by proclaiming that her father defends black people, which was seen negatively by the children at school due to the prevailing racist attitudes in their community. Cecil's words made Scout feel defensive of her father and frustrated with the unfair judgment passed on him by others.

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In the book To Kill a Mockingbird the character of Scout learns that black people in Maycomb have a strong sense of community. She also learns that even though they are poor they have dignity.

Where do to children go to watch tom robinsons trial and with who?

The children, Scout and Jem, go to the courthouse to watch Tom Robinson's trial. They are accompanied by Reverend Sykes, their housekeeper Calpurnia, and other members of the African American community.

Why did Scout think that Francis was such a boring child in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout thought Francis was boring because he was self-centered and talked about things that didn't interest her. She found him to be pretentious and superficial, and their interactions highlighted their different personalities.

When scout asks about mr Cunningham entitalments she means his?

Scout is referring to Mr. Cunningham's ownership rights or legal claims to certain things, such as property, assets, or privileges, that he may have based on laws or agreements. She is inquiring about his social standing or status in the community.

Why do scout and Jem think their father is old?

Scout and Jem think their father, Atticus, is old because he is not physically active like other fathers in the community. Additionally, Atticus has a more serious and reserved demeanor, which may be perceived by children as characteristics of an older person.

Why is Scout the person who is chosen to explain thing to miss Caroline?

Scout is chosen to explain things to Miss Caroline because she is intelligent, articulate, and observant. Miss Caroline also views Scout as a well-behaved and respectful student who can communicate effectively. Additionally, Scout is familiar with the town and its customs, making her a good candidate to help educate Miss Caroline on the community's ways.

What is the relationship between calputnia and scout?

Calpurnia is the Finch family's African-American cook and housekeeper in "To Kill a Mockingbird," while Scout is one of the Finch children. Calpurnia acts as a motherly figure to Scout and guides her through important life lessons, showing her love and care despite societal expectations of their differing statuses. Their relationship deepens as Scout learns more about the complexities of race and prejudice in their community.

Why does calpurnia give scout such a thorough scrubbing one Saturday night?

Calpurnia gives Scout a thorough scrubbing on Saturday night after she overhears Scout using a racial slur towards a visitor at their home. Calpurnia wants to teach Scout the importance of treating all people with respect, regardless of their race. This incident highlights the racial tensions present in the community and the need to educate children about equality and empathy.

How can you use teamwork in the community?

My Scout troop often demonstrated our sense of teamwork in the community by cleaning up vacant lots.