"The Penance of Sake" is a short story by Saki that follows the main character as he is banished to a remote island for his mischievous deeds. The protagonist must come to terms with his actions and seek redemption through performing a ritual penance. The story explores themes of repentance, redemption, and the consequences of one's actions.
Saki Aibu's birth name is Aibu-Saki.
A Saki, is a Primate from the New World and has a Blackish Beard. These primates are known by different names: Saki, Black Bearded Saki (Eng.), Bearded Saki, Brown Bearded Saki, Chiropotes Satana (Lat.), Satansaap (Dutch), Saki Noire (Fr.), Capuchino del Orinoco (Sp.) etc.
Penance is a noun. Penance is a religious discipline. I'll chalk up this drudgery as penance.
Saki Aibu is 165 cm.
Saki was born on December 18, 1870.
Saki was born on December 18, 1870.
Saki - manga - was created in 2009.
Saki Corporation was created in 1994.
Mii Saki is 155 cm.
Saki Yamaguchi is 162 cm.
Saki Takaoka is 5' 5".
Saki Shimizu is a Japanese pop artist. As of October 2013, it is unknown whether or not Saki has a boyfriend.